"Early Spring" by Gerhard Munthe, 1887
Welcome to Unit 22! Here are the notes for this week.

>>Click HERE to preorder your copy of the yearbook.
>>AND be sure to get your photo uploaded - just find the yearbook section on the League course page. All students are asked to submit a photo.
CHESS WORKSHOP: I am very pleased to announce that we will have another chess opportunity this Spring with the illustrious Steven Bloom. This is an exclusive opportunity for Oxrose, Traditio Nostra, and Schola Rosa families. CLICK HERE for the times, description, and enrollment form.
WHERE: Falley Scout Reservation in Oskalossa, Kansas
WHEN: July 21-27, 2024 (Sunday night through Saturday morning)
READ THIS for a refresher or speak to anyone who attended the last three years. It an essential part of the school's life -- come if you can.
LEAGUE UPDATE: Scores for all prior acts are being tallied now and ACT IV is open. Get to work on the new challenges!

Please spread the word, if you have been pleased with your experience at Oxrose. Word of mouth remains our main means of advertisement. Consider emailing someone who might be interested the link to this write up at First Things or our admissions page.
POEM of the WEEK: "The Song of Mr. Toad" from Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame. Recited by Markus Braaten.
Student and instructor contributions for "Poem of the Week" are welcome. Send a message to Mr. Rolling with "Poem of the Week," and the title and author of the poem you would like to recite.