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League Wrap Up

League Wrap Up

by Deleted user -
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Dear League of Noble Oxrosians,

As you know, we are in the wrap up phase of the school year for all League activities.  Here are a few notes to help with the last steps.

1. GRADE TOTALS: All grade totals are final at this point.  Look at your course totals to determine the academic achievements for which you qualify and get them marked.  Grade totals must be counted as they stand now - even if you are enrolled in a summer extension.

2. ENDEAVOR REPORTS DUE: An upload has been added in the endeavors section of the league page.  Student leaders should upload their reports there no later than noon on Friday to have them counted
IMPORTANT NOTE: We will be offering some credit for all endeavor hours (not just for those on endeavors that reached the full 200 hours), so please be sure to upload ALL hours.