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UNIT 13 ~ Into Advent

UNIT 13 ~ Into Advent

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Welcome Back Oxrosians!

Saint Nicholas of Myra, Memorial is Friday, December 6th

Here are a few notes for this week:

ADVENT: HE is coming!  Let us all strive to maintain a spirit of preparation in our souls and in the way we seek the completion of our work.  Make ready the way!

MEMORIAL of SAINT NICHOLAS: Friday, December 6 is the feast of Saint Nicholas, Bishop of Myra.  Get your shoes ready!  Information >can be found here<.

TESTS & SEMESTER'S END: We have only two units before Christmas Break.  Next week, Unit 14 includes exams for Latin, Science, and Math courses.  It is important to hit the ground running this week to get ready!

COMPLETED HANDBOOK: This year's handbook has been enlarged to include information on graduation pathways, alternative credits, and GPA (new sections D, E, and F).  In addition, an important paragraph has been added to section A.5 on "Academic Honesty."  The updated version has been posted on the Dashboard under "Important Items"
Parents & Students, please read over these sections to ensure you understand them.

FEAST of the IMMACULATE CONCEPTION NEXT WEEK: Monday, December 9 has acquired the Feast of the Immaculate this year and the obligations and due festivities have transferred to this day in most dioceses. 
Oxrose will be closed December 9th.  We will post the special schedule as soon as it is determined.

POEM of the WEEK: Here is an original poem "Little Brothers" as performed by the author, Rose Dean.



Student and Instructor contributions for "Poem of the Week" are welcome (sung poetry is welcome, too).  Send a message to Mr. Rolling with "Poem of the Week," and the title and author of the poem you would like to recite.


SUMMER CAMP: Kansas, July 20th-26th, 2025.  Save the dates!

OXROSE PRESS CHRISTMAS CATALOGUE: Purchases support the school!  View it HERE.

PARENTS' FORUM: Click HERE for the invitation link (for parents, only).  Recent discussion revolves around a Winter Meetup (potentially in the West) and a Civics Trip to Washington DC in the Spring.  A conversation about colleges has started up, as well.