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UNIT 14 ~ Immaculate Conception and Semester's End

UNIT 14 ~ Immaculate Conception and Semester's End

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~Mary, the Immaculate Conception; Pray for us.~

"The Immaculate Conception," by Giovanni Battista Tiepolo, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
"The Immaculate Conception," by Giovanni Battista Tiepolo, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

UNIT 14:

HAPPY FEAST OF THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION: Let us honor God, by honoring Our Lady under her titles of "Immaculate Conception" and "Our Lady of Guadalupe" this week.
SPECIAL SCHEDULE: LL 3 meets Tuesday, 12/10 at 1:30 PM.  All other Monday classes meet next Monday, 12/16 at their regular times.  Other than LL 3, students who cannot make the rescheduled times should see the instructor this week in tutor time to make up participation.
DUE DATES: the assignment due dates are pushed to Monday, 12/16 at midnight.  The cut off for late assignments is Tuesday, 12/17 at midnight.

TESTS & SEMESTER'S END: This week includes exams for Grammar, Latin, Science, and Math courses.  The deadline for all exams is midnight on Tuesday of next week.  Prioritize exams, as usual.

ACADEMIC HONESTY: As mentioned last week, there is an added section in the Handbook on academic honesty.  The new section reads:

"The student must understand that the act of submitting any assignment, quiz, or exam in his own name constitutes a pledge that the work is completely his own.  Students must never presume that digital tools (spell check, grammar check, translation tools, AI writing tools, etc.) or working together with other students are allowed without explicit and specific permission."

Students, recall that it is better to fail with honor, than succeed by cheating.  It is, of course, better still to succeed with honor and hard work.  May God bless your hearts and minds to be fit to the challenges of this week!

YEARBOOK HEAD SHOTS: We need a new picture of your smiling faces for this year's yearbook!  Even if you submitted a photo with your enrollment, please take a minute to submit a new photo on the League page.  While you are there, contribute photos in other categories, as well.  Recall that this is for all students (not just active League members).  Please help make the yearbook a success.

POEM of the WEEK: Here is "The Kitten and the Falling Leaves." Recited by Sophia Spurlock.



Student and Instructor contributions for "Poem of the Week" are welcome (sung poetry is welcome, too).  Send a message to Mr. Rolling with "Poem of the Week," and the title and author of the poem you would like to recite.


OXROSE PRESS CHRISTMAS CATALOGUE: Purchases support the school!  View it HERE.

ADVENT & CHRISTMAS LEAGUE CHALLENGES: Prepare your mind, body, heart, and home!

SUMMER CAMP: Kansas, July 20th-26th, 2025.  Save the dates!

PARENTS' FORUM: Click HERE for the invitation link (for parents, only).  Recent discussion revolves around a Winter Meetup (potentially in the West) and a Civics Trip to Washington DC in the Spring.  A conversation about colleges has started up, as well.