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Unit 14 Grace Period - Antiphons and Ember Days

Unit 14 Grace Period - Antiphons and Ember Days

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Folio 30, The Poissy Antiphonal (1335-1345)

We are in the end of semester grace period Monday and Tuesday.  Here are quite a few notes:

MONDAY MAKEUP CLASSES: (Use the regular class links)

      9 AM:  SF Pr, SF 3
    10 AM:  SF 2
    11 AM:  SF 5, SF 1
    12 PM:  SF 4, LL 1, LL Pr
12:45 PM: LL 2

TUESDAY DEADLINE: All Unit 14 assignments and exams must be complete and turned in by midnight on Tuesday. 

HEADMASTER TUTOR TIMES: 2-3 PM Monday & Tuesday, Use the Dashboard Link

GRADE BOOK SWITCHEROO: We will be updating the semester one categories to count all missing items as zeros at this time.  The subtotals given in the grade books for semester one will be accurate after the switch.

SEMESTER ONE LATE WORK: "Late Work Grading" forms for semester one are due by the end of the day Friday, December 20. 
NO requests for semester one may be submitted after this day, so please be sure to get those in.  Rules and instructions are found on the form.

NOTE: Quizzes remain open all year for retakes and you may approach teachers to improve grades throughout the year, provided the assignments have been turned in. 

YEARBOOK HEAD SHOTS: Close the semester by uploading a picture for the yearbook.  Find the link in the League page (though it is for everyone, not just active League members). 
House members: 1 HP may be earned for each 5 members who submit a photo by the end of the day Wednesday, Dec. 18.

POEM of the WEEK: Here is "O Sanctissima" by the composer, Kevin Allen.  Performed by Ryann Chen, Channing Chen, and Belisa Peach.




O Antiphons: Beginning on Tuesday, December 17, we enter the final stage of Advent as we pray the "O, Antiphons" in the divine liturgy, calling for Christ to come.  The opening of each antiphon addresses Christ under a different messianic title.  The first letter of each, working backwards, spells "ERO CRAS" (Tomorrow, I will be).  See Catholic Culture for more information.

Dec. 17 ~ O Sapientia (Wisdom)
Dec. 18 ~ O Adonai (Lord and Ruler)
Dec. 19 ~ O Radix Jesse (Root of Jesse) 
Dec. 20 ~ O Clavis David (Key of David)
Dec. 21 ~ O Oriens (Dawn of the East)
Dec. 22 ~ O Rex Gentium (King of the Gentiles)
Dec. 23 ~ O Emmanuel (God With Us)

Ember Days: In addition, this week is the first set of Ember Days for the liturgical year. These are kept four times a year: "Lucy, Ashes, Dove and Cross" as the saying goes.  On the Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday of an Ember week, we fast, pray, and abstain in thanksgiving and petition.