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UNIT 20 ~ Viva Voce!

UNIT 20 ~ Viva Voce!

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Oral Exams?

Morning!  There is quite a bit going on this week.  Here is the run down:

> Students will be filling out surveys at the end of classes throughout the week.  See the Dashboard for details and/or wait for the announcement in classes. 
> Parents: You received an email last week with details on the parent survey. 
Everyone, these are a required part of our accreditation, please fill them out as soon as possible this week.

> As usual, Messrs. Krueger, Keatley, and Walsh will not have their regular tutor times this week, due to oral exams. 
> They will message if/when they will be available this week.
> If you are unable to meet with your regular teacher, please feel free to bring your questions to Mr. Rolling's tutor times.

EXAMS in GENERAL: Please say a prayer for all students who have exams this week in Great Books, TPT, and History.  We ask God to grant them excellence that they may give Him glory!
> Test-takers: Recognize that exams represent a real opportunity to be at prayer in your work as a student.  Be still and quiet; ask God to be with you; study.  Rest and repeat.
> Parents: A bit of extra time, support, and aid is called for this week.  Talk to students about their study strategy and help them implement it.

WISDOM of the SAINTS: "The lover of silence draws close to God.  He talks to Him in secret and God enlightens him." St. John Climacus (6th-7th c.)

CLASS RECORDING: Classes are being recorded this week.  This is being done for accreditation.  The agency has asked for recordings, rather than actual visits, just to make the process easier.  Everyone be sharp this week; you're on camera!  Send any questions to Mr. Rolling.

That is all.  Have a great week everyone!

Image: D'Mars' Affinity: Romance of Love's Final Test in Time and Tide by James Bloomer, 1841-1923. Public domain courtesy of Wikemedia Commons.