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UNIT 21: Midterms and Meatfare

UNIT 21: Midterms and Meatfare

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Dante and Beatrice meet Peter Damien as depicted in Dante's Paradiso, Canto 21
Miniature by Giovanni di Paolo

Good morning, everyone!  

This week, we move ever closer to Shrove Tuesday, which is a similar day to "Meatfare Sunday" in the East.  The last days of meat before we begin Lent on Ash Wednesday.  This week, celebrate a bit of Meatfare--clean out your cupboards and enjoy the good things of life with great gratitude.

Here are a few notes for the week:  

MIDTERM EXAMS: This unit sees midterm exams for many Science and Math courses.  If not in this unit, the midterms are around the bend in these, as well as in Latin.

CLT EXAM: We invite and encourage all students to sign up for the CLT, CLT 10, or CLT 8 exams through Oxrose.  Full time students are automatically enrolled.  See the Dashboard for more info.
> The Enrollment Deadline is March 11.  Please enroll as soon as possible.
> To enroll GO HERE.

ACCREDITATION UPDATE: Thank you all very much for your help last week.  We are awaiting any further requests from Cognia and gearing up for the actual review, when we sit down and go over things.  No tasks for this week.
> Surveys: Students and parents, if you have not yet done so, please fill out the surveys linked on your dashboards.  Your contribution is still a great help.
> Class recordings went well and are complete. 

WISDOM of the SAINTS: Pope Benedict XVI wrote of Peter Damian,
"With his pen and his words he addressed all:  he asked his brother hermits for the courage of a radical self-giving to the Lord which would as closely as possible resemble martyrdom; he demanded of the Pope, Bishops and ecclesiastics a high level of evangelical detachment from honours and privileges in carrying out their ecclesial functions; he reminded priests of the highest ideal of their mission that they were to exercise by cultivating purity of morals and true personal poverty." ~ Letter to the Camalsolese Order on the Feast of St. Peter Damian

St. Peter Damian, Pray for Us

That is all.  Have a great week everyone!