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Grading Complete

Grading Complete

by Deleted user -
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GRADING COMPLETE: All grading is complete for the 2021-2022 Academic Year.  Thank you to all the teachers for their hard work.

LAST CHECK: Parents and students, as you look over your books this last time, please do send a note in messaging to Mr. Rolling, if you note any issues.

TRANSCRIPTS & BADGES: Gradebooks are now being downloaded, badges awarded, and transcripts generated.  Transcripts will be available this week.

LEAGUE: Students, please take your academic results and mark your "Academic Achievements" in the League page no later than the end of the day Wednesday, June 8th.

GRADEBOOK COPIES:  Parents, if you wish to have an itemized copy of your student's grade books, please capture screen shots of any of them no later than Wednesday, June 8th.

DEADLINE: After June 8th, we will begin the process of unenrolling students form courses in preparation for next year.

SUMMER EXTENSION: The end date for the Summer Extension has been moved to June 27th.  All participants should have been contacted directly, at this point. 
> Any exam or review quiz access, as well as instruction on uploads, will be forthcoming shortly. 
> Now, students may access quizzes and should work on assignments in preparation for upload.