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UNIT 1 ~ And They're Off!

UNIT 1 ~ And They're Off!

by Deleted user -
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Morning everyone!  
To set us on our way, I have assembled a TOP FIVE TIPS FOR SUPERB STUDENTS.  Enjoy!

5. Create a Block Schedule of Class Times ~ Print one from your dashboard and highlight your classes or fill in the one in the Student Planner.  Keep it by your desk!  Make a copy for the fridge!

4. Manage the Clock ~ Look at your list of classes, then look at the clock.  Divide up your work time for the day to cover all the class work.

3. Ask for Help ~ You are not on your own.  Ask a parent; ask a sibling; ask a teacher.  And don't forget to ask God--pray for yourself and all the students.

2. Follow Your Agenda ~ Read through the whole week so you understand the schedule for the unit.  Then: if it is assigned today, do it today!

1. Let the Work of this Week be Sufficient for this Week ~ The number one rule.  Use the time you have this week to do the best work you can, then STOP WORK, turn in what you have (perfect or not), take the weekend off, and come back next week and do it again (even better).  Don't drag out the work into next week or presume you can catch things up later.  The big idea is: do everything, but work within your time limits.  Each week, you will get better at completing the week's work.

Come see me in office hours (link on your dashboard), if I can help with anything. 

God bless your efforts,
Mr. Rolling