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Our Lady of Fatima, Pray for Us

Website Closure: Early last week we were notified that we needed to migrate our site to a new server as part of a software update taking place at the server level.  We decided that it would be most prudent to undertake the necessary closure immediately to avoid any disruption to the normal schedule after the break.  As a result of the closure there has been no access for the last five days of break, putting a stop to both teacher and student work. 
Everyone: Please keep this in mind as we move into the new week.  Teachers are just now able to do course creation and grading.  Students are just now able to upload extension work and access quizzes.  Be sure to communicate well with each other and be lenient with one another.

Looking Ahead: We enter now upon a six week run of classes stretching through Thanksgiving in November.  We have our first set of exams coming up in units 7 and 8 for those classes with midterm exams; other classes include their first exams in unit 10.

Wisdom of the Saints:

Let nothing affright thee,
Nothing dismay thee. 
All is passing,
God ever remains.
Patience obtains all.
Whoever possesses God,
Cannot lack anything
God alone suffices.
Prayer of Saint Teresa of Jesus, Memorial October 15