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UNIT 11 ~ On to the King's Feast

UNIT 11 ~ On to the King's Feast

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We are in UNIT 11.  Here are the announcements for the week.

EXAM WRAP UP: There are a few exams that are being wrapped up early this week.  Please keep all your peers in your prayers.

THE LEAGUE: It is not too late to join the League.  As many discovered last week, the Noble Oxrosians are entering into an exciting story of their own, brought to them by their provosts.  Join the adventure!  If you complete ACT 1 at this time, simply send Mr. Rolling a message and you can be sorted into a house.

WEBSITE UPDATE: In a nutshell, we were required to migrate to a new server by our provider back at Fall Break.  The new server has a number of differences in function that we were not made aware of initially and which have caused some problems. 
   As of now, we believe we have ironed these out.  Email notifications are working and time out errors have been minimized.  Thank you all for your patience and for keeping us informed as you have encountered problems (that is a crucial step--please send in any error messages immediately).

HOLY DAY, HOLIDAY: This coming Sunday is the feast of Christ the King and next week is the civic holiday of Thanksgiving. 
   The school is closed next week; however, it is crucial that students who are behind in any way catch up BEFORE taking time off.  If needed, students should consider next week a work week in order to wrap up missing assignments, quizzes, or work of any kind.  In addition, this week it is crucial that you get to tutor times.

That is all for this week.  God speed to you all!
Mr. Rolling

Wisdom of Scripture: "How worthy is the Lamb who was slain, to receive power and divinity, and wisdom and strength and honor. To him belong glory and power for ever and ever." 
5:12, 1:6.  Entrance Antiphon for the Feast of Christ the King

Image: Русский: Конец XVIII – начало XIX века
Дерево, темпера; 81 х 62 Инв. № ЯХМ И-1587 Происходит из города Тутаева Ярославской области (бывший Романов-Борисоглебск) Поступила в 1977 году от частного лица
Реставрировалась в 1990 году Л.Ю. Касаткиной
Public domain courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.