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UNIT 14 ~ Finals, Embers, and O' Antiphons

UNIT 14 ~ Finals, Embers, and O' Antiphons

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Strangely, we have reached unit 14 already!  Here are a few notes for the week:

Finals - Make a Plan: There are a number of final exams this week (sciences, maths, and languages). 
Students, first thing Monday, get out a sheet of paper (if you don't use a planner) and write down all the exams and final projects that you have due, including dates and times.  Once you have everything down visit with a parent about the week's schedule.
Parents, this week students will need extra time, a more disciplined schedule, and help with time management to be successful.  Be sure to give them time on the weekend and into the Semester Grace Period to finish strong.  Do all you can!

Semester Grace Period: As you will note on the schedule for most classes there is an extended work period for the school that goes until Tuesday of next week.  Your assignments and exams do not all stay open that long, so be careful to complete the item above (Make a plan!), but do make use of the extra time to study for and take exams. 
As with all school breaks, it is absolutely necessary that all work be up to date before you shift to vacation mode. 

Prepare the Way: Happy Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe!  Be sure to look over the observances for Advent this week at the Liturgical Day link.  We have the three Advent Ember Days following Saint Lucy's feast on Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday.  On the last of these we begin the O' Antiphons, the seven cries of the Church to God for a savior under seven different titles, beginning with Wisdom.  These will take us through to Christmas Eve.

Icon Contest: Go and look over the entries on the League page.  Great job artists and thank you for your contributions. Circumstances have pushed it back somewhat, but judging will be arranged this week. 
Our Lady, pray for us who have recourse to thee.

Let us be sure to pray for each other, finish strong, and go into the last preparations for Christmas with joy.  Godspeed!

Wisdom: "O Wisdom, who came from the mouth of the Most High, reaching from end to end and ordering all things mightily and sweetly, Come, and teach us the way of prudence." ~ First O' Antiphon, December 17