A Blessedly Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to You All,

. . . on behalf of all of the faculty and staff here at the school. I hope that your 12 days of Christmas festivity continue in unabating joy as we approach Epiphany.
Here are a few reminders for this week.
TOLKIEN SUMMER READING CLUB: Tuesday, January 3rd at 7 PM Central. Come learn about the reading club and talk a bit of Tolkien. See details on the Dashboard.
COMPS: Composition workshops are open for early work. If you feel like getting ahead for UNIT 15.
ES CLASSES BEGIN: Speaking of Unit 15, students in Empirical Science 1, 2, 3, and 4 should recall that the "Thursday" and "Friday" of Unit 15 need to be complete before Monday of next week. For some of you that means work begins this Thursday.
CLASSES RECOMMENCE: All course work, tutoring, class meetings, and general educational fun begins once again on Monday, January 9th.
Looking forward to seeing you all soon!
God bless,
Mr. Rolling
Image: "Epiphany" by the unknown painter called the "Master of the Antwerp Adoration," ca. 1500. Public domain courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.