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UNIT 18 ~ Candlemas

UNIT 18 ~ Candlemas

by Deleted user -
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"Candlemas Day" by Marianne Stokes (ca. 1901), public domain courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.

Welcome to Unit 18!  Here are a few notes for the week!
2022 CLT RANKINGS: God be praised and congratulations students and teachers (and parents).  Oxrose has ranked in the national top 20 on BOTH the CLT 8 and the CLT 10 exams for 2022!  Well done!  Semper in altum et soli deo gloria!
Here is the link.  Info on this year's test dates will be posted soon.

SPIRIT WEEK WRAP-UP: The scores for last week's many events are being tallied and the contests judged.  Stand by! 

STUDENT YEARBOOK PHOTOS: If you haven't yet done so, please get your yearbook photo entries in as soon as possible.  See the upload on the League page.

POEM of the WEEK: "To the Men Who Lose" by George L. Scarborough

Student and instructor contributions for "Poem of the Week" are welcome.  Send a message to Mr. Rolling with "Poem of the Week," and the title and author of the poem you would like to recite.

OCTAVE of STARS:  I am pleased to let you all know that an Oxrose parent has just published a book in the "teen-fiction" genre (as described by Barnes & Noble).  I was able to preview a portion of it and enjoyed it very much.  I will be able to publish a full review (with recommendations) once I finish it.  In the meantime, I am sharing the link with the caveat that I have not screened the book fully and advise parents, as with all things, to do so before allowing their students access. 
Here is the website
for Octave of Stars by Zephyr Thomas.