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UNIT 24 ~ Living In the Kingdom

UNIT 24 ~ Living In the Kingdom

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The Messianic Age is erupting into history in the person of Jesus, who seeks not his “own will but the will of him who sent me.” Those who have entered into friendship with Jesus the Lord are thus empowered by their imitation of him to live, now, the eternal life he has shared with the Father from all ages.
Disciples can live “in the Kingdom” now. They can, as St. Maximus the Confessor teaches in today’s Office of Readings, “imitate him by [their] kindness and genuine love for one another,” living “like our heavenly Father, holy, merciful and just.”
George Weigel, Roman Pilgrimage: The Station Churches

Announcements for the Week:

9th and 10th graders, once you are able to login to the CLT, have a look at the practice test.  We will schedule the orientation meeting time soon.
11th and 12th graders, please look at the course suite and order your "Student Guide."  We will be using it for preparation classes, which will start soon.
Parents ~ For any of the CLT exams, if your student is not signed up and you wish him to be, please contact Mrs. Walker, right away.

PRAYERS FOR TEACHERS & STAFF: This week we pray especially for our teachers and admin at Oxrose and everywhere.  We ask that they be blessed with prudence and wisdom; that they be kind, but demanding; that they be just, but merciful.  We pray that they find their work challenging, but enriching; that they move toward holiness and draw others with them.  Fast, so as to love!

YEARBOOK PHOTOS: For ALL students, faculty, and staff, please upload your individual photo on the League page, if you have not yet done so. 
If you have any good "meet-up" photos (Oxrose families together in their natural habitats), there is a spot to upload those, as well.

A WEDDING!: Please keep our current German instructor Miss Anna Berlinger in your prayers.  She wed over the weekend and will be missing from classes this week.  May God grant her a bountiful and happy marriage!

POEM of the WEEK:
"A Hymn" by Saint Thomas Aquinas.  Recited by Mark Turrentine.

Student and instructor contributions for "Poem of the Week" are welcome.  Send a message to Mr. Rolling with "Poem of the Week," and the title and author of the poem you would like to recite.

Quotation: George Weigel, Roman Pilgrimage: The Station Churches given as a "Meditation on the Liturgy" at Catholic Culture for Wednesday of the fourth week of Lent.