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UNIT 25 ~ Passiontide

UNIT 25 ~ Passiontide

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"The Raising of Lazarus" by Rembrandt (1606-1669)

This week we are in UNIT 25.  Next week begins the Easter Holiday.  Here are a few announcements:
YEARBOOK PHOTOS DEADLINE:  Please upload your individual photos before the deadline--Friday, March 31st.  League members, completion of this task is worth 1 HP!

CALLING ALL SENIORS: It is not always easy for us to identify our senior class, since students take different numbers and levels of courses with us at different times.  If you are wrapping up this year, please be especially sure to get your photo in so that you hear about the graduation planning going on now.

SUMMER CAMP #3:  Time and place are set!  July 23rd - 29th at Camp Arrowhead in Marshfield, Missouri.  Save the date!  Sign up available soon.

PRAYERS for STUDENTS: This week, let us pray for all students: all those who actively seek the truth, all those who spend time at learning, all those burdened with educational requirements.  We pray that they will be enlightened by grace to see, that they be imbued with prudence to make their way, and that they be suffused with tenacity to push through.

WORK DAYS NEXT WEEK: A reminder to all students to treat the first few days of the break as work days
Catch up your notes, complete a bit extra on your COMPS, catch up all quizzes, fill out the first half of your UNIT 30 Great Books summaries, etc. 
In short, do all you can to make sure you are ready for the last block of weeks after our return.  Two weeks is a long time away--be sure your don't leave things 'til later.

PHONE ACCESS: No text available.
In the last few months, we have moved the office phone number to a new provider.  In the process, we have lost the ability to receive text messages.  Please be sure to call us at 507-822-6966 or write us at the new email address -- for all communication.  Letters are always welcome!

POEM of the WEEK:
"A Prayer" by Lord Alfred Douglas.  Recited by Kenneth Rolling.
Student and instructor contributions for "Poem of the Week" are welcome.  Send a message to Mr. Rolling with "Poem of the Week," and the title and author of the poem you would like to recite.