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UNIT 28 ~ The Final Straightaway

UNIT 28 ~ The Final Straightaway

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Welcome to Unit 28.  Here are the notes for the week:

BUCKLE DOWN:  This week we enter the most intensive academic period of the year.  It is important to reduce extracurricular activities, focus on academics, and finish strong.  Unit 30 is the only unit of the year in which there are exams in every subject. 
Students & Parents ~ It is important that you have a conversation about the schedule for May and the resolution of the school year. 
Make a plan and finish strong!

HOMEWORK EXTENSION APPLICATIONS: Now being accepted.  See the description and enroll HERE.

THE GRADE BOOK SWITCH:  This week we will be making the annual switch of the grade books so that all missing grades (quizzes, homework, etc.) will be counted as zeros.  Up 'til now, missing items were excluded from scores. 
Students & Parents ~ All of the course grade totals will go down when we make the switch, since your final exams and last assignments will be counted against you. 
Don't panic!  Dig into the details of the grade book to find out anything you are missing and watch the totals rise as you work your way through the next three weeks.

INDEPENDENT MUSIC CREDIT:  Finally ready!  Earn academic credit for your music lessons this year.  Learn more and download the application form HERE.

POEM of the WEEK:   "Saint Joseph of the Eucharist" by an anonymous Carmelite Brother.  Recited by Julianne Braaten. 
Note: May 1st is the feast of St. Joseph the Worker.

Student and instructor contributions for "Poem of the Week" are welcome.  Send a message to Mr. Rolling with "Poem of the Week," and the title and author of the poem you would like to recite.