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UNIT 30 ~ Ascension and Examination

UNIT 30 ~ Ascension and Examination

by Deleted user -
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This week we pass through a set of rogation days, celebrate Ascension, and enter the final stretch for work and exams.

Notes for this week:

SOLEMNITY of the ASCENSION: For nearly all dioceses in the United States the solemnity is moved to the seventh Sunday in Easter.  Catholic Culture has a great essay about why and how to keep the feast (follow the Liturgical Day link on the Dashboard).  Though we do have classes on Thursday, recall that there is flexibility in scheduling oral exams, if you need to work out a time to get to Mass and festivity.

EXAMS: There are exams this week in nearly every class, as we wrap up the year.  The homework and exam period extends as far as Tuesday, May 23rd for some classes.
Students & Parents: This week, it is essential to pay close attention to deadlines, prioritize important tasks, set a study and exam schedule, and avoid distractions.  Let us remember to pray for each other.  May we do good work "Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam."

CLT: Exam date this Saturday, May 20th.  Keep our 11th and 12th graders in your prayers.

HOMEWORK EXTENSION APPLICATIONS: Now being accepted.  See the description and enroll HERE.

INDEPENDENT MUSIC CREDIT: Earn academic credit for your music lessons this year.  Learn more and download the application form HERE.

HEADMASTER'S OFFICE HOURS: End of the year, extended hours are posted on the Dashboard.

POEM of the WEEK:   "O' Captain, My Captain" by Walt Whitman.  Recited by Lukas Braaten. 
Lukas mentioned that he was thinking of students struggling with finals , when he picked this poem--hopefully we all finish with success and the chance to enjoy it, unlike the captain of the poem!


Student and instructor contributions for "Poem of the Week" are welcome.  Send a message to Mr. Rolling with "Poem of the Week," and the title and author of the poem you would like to recite

Image: Η Ανάληψη δεύτερο μισό 15ου αιώνα, 55,5x66,2εκ. άγνωστος ζωγράφος του Χάνδακα   Public domain courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.