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Oxrose Yearbook - HELP!

Oxrose Yearbook - HELP!

by Deleted user -
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Young Oxrosian begging for help with his photo upload.We Need Your Help!

Students and parents, we are relying on you to make this year's Student Yearbook a success! 
If you have not already done so, please immediately go to the League Page and upload a photo of yourself in the appropriate spot.

*Don't worry too much about the size at this point, just get a good, clear photo of your face and post it.

While you are there, please add a photo from any  meetups that occurred this year.  Be sure to label them with names and places.
This week is the last opportunity to get a photo in. 

Why Help?  The yearbook is one of the school wide endeavors we undertake in order to help the students have relationships that are as fully human and fully realized as possible, despite the online setting.  Please help your students contribute in any way you can.