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Oxrose Classes Beginning

Oxrose Classes Beginning

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Students & Parents, you are welcome, indeed!

On behalf of all of our teachers and staff, thank you for being with us.  We are looking forward to another great year.  Be assured of our prayers and warm wishes.

This week (August 14-18) marks our Orientation Week.  

Let me begin with a few pieces of information and follow that with your list of "to dos."

Log-in Information:
  1. This email message was generated through the Oxrose school site newsfeed, which appears on your Dashboard at the school site.  Students and parents must log in at the school site in order to get oriented for the new year. 
    Here is the link:

  2. Parents and students new this year, should have received their login information in a previous auto-email from the site.  Check your spam folder, if you have not received your login credentials. 
    Contact us at with any problems.

  3. Parents and students returning this year must use their old log-in credentials. 
    Contact us at, if you have lost or forgotten your information.
Here is your to do list:
  • MONDAY: Parents, in your email, create a contact for the source of this and other automated email.  It is this address:
    Update the software, including browsers, and clean out the caches on your student computers.  Find your headsets.

  • TUESDAY: Celebrate the Feast of the Assumption of Mary.  Our Lady, assumed into heaven, pray for us.

  • WEDNESDAY:  Students, get logged in and create your new password for this year.  Go to the Dashboard and there, find and print the Academic Calendar
    Parents, find and read the Student and Parent Handbook.

  • THURSDAYStudents in Empirical Science 1, 2, 3, and 4 (Earth, Physics, Biology, and Chemistry) open your science course suite, read the Agenda, and begin work for your first week. 
    Course work begins on Thursday, August 17.

    • All new students must attend one orientation session.
      • Thursday, August 17 at 8 AM Central 
      • Friday, August 18, at 8 AM Central
      • Where ~   >>zoom link>>
    • All parents (or at least one parent), new and old, must attend one orientation session.
      • Thursday, August 17 at 9:00 AM Central
      • Thursday, August 17 at 8:00 PM Central
      • Friday, August 18 at either Noon Central
      • Friday, August 18 at 8:30 PM Central
      • Where ~   >>zoom link>>

  • FRIDAY OPENING SCHOOL PRAYER: All faculty, staff, and families are invited and warmly encouraged to attend our opening school prayer.  Father Marascalco will give the blessing.
  • MONDAY (August 21) ~ All students in all courses have course work.  Class meetings begin this morning.
Instructors will be available via messaging, beginning Monday, August 21st.  Tutor times will commence as soon as they are scheduled by the instructors.  To find the LIVE class links for each class, go to the course suite and find it at the top of the page.  Please bring questions to the orientation meetings this week; they are welcome and helpful to ensure that everyone is ready to go.  I look forward to seeing you again, or meeting you in the coming days.

God bless,
Kenneth Rolling, Oxrose Headmaster