The 2023-2024 Academic Year is officially underway!

Here are a few announcements for the week:
WHAT TO DO: In a nutshell: login, open each of your classes in turn, complete "Day 1," then move to the next class. If you finish all "Day 1" work in good time, use extra time to work on "Day 2." Each day, repeat this process, then turn in all your work on time at the end of the week.
SETTING UP MOODLE MOBILE: A new document has been posted on the Dashboard with instructions on how to setup this school site on a smart phone (which can help out especially, when scanning homework). Find it in "Important Items" under the title "How to setup Moodle Mobile on your phone"
MESSAGING: Instructors are available, starting this week, in messaging. Reach out to ask any pressing questions that can't be saved for class time. To message him, search for your instructor's name in messaging.
LEAGUE of NOBLE OXROSIANS: Once you finish your academic work for the week, take a look at the first challenge for the year. Returning students, don't forget you must complete the first challenge to reinstate your active membership in your house for this year. House sorting of new students will be in a few weeks.
PATIENCE: Don't panic, this week, if anything doesn't go right. Stay calm. Reach out to ask for help. All things will get sorted out, and all will be well!
WISDOM of the BLESSED: "The well-regulated life does not defer prayer until work has been accomplished; it turns the work itself into a prayer. We accomplish this when we turn to God at the beginning and completion of each task and mentally offer it up for love of Him." Venerable Fulton Sheen