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Holy Week and the Easter Octave

Holy Week and the Easter Octave

by Deleted user -
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On behalf of all the faculty and staff, I wish you a blessed Holy Week and a Joyful Easter Octave. 

"Christ Carrying the Cross" by Frans Francken the Younger (ca. 1625)

Let us pray for one another as we enter the heart of the Christian mystery.
A Few Announcements:

CLT DATES APPROACHING: Contact Mrs. Walker right away, if you are not signed up.
>> Emails went out today for the CLT 10 and the CLT students who are enrolled.
>> CLT 7, 8, 10 and standard level students should all have access to the CLT course suite.
It is strongly recommended that CLT 10 and, especially, CLT students get logged in to their accounts at the website and do some practice tests.

COLLEGE SUMMER PROGRAMS:  Students have mentioned that they are attending some of the summer programs at Catholic Colleges this summer.  Here are the ones we have heard about.
Wyoming Catholic College's PEAK Program (We have a student signed up for the first session June 9th-22nd.  There is one other session.)  Christendom College's Best Week EverBenedictine College Youth CampsThomas Aquinas College Summer Great Books.

WEBSITE CLOSURE 3/28/24:  In order to complete some regular maintenance and upgrades, this webpage will be closed for maintenance beginning Holy Thursday.  It will reopen after a few days -- as soon as the work is complete. 

POEM of the WEEK:  An excellent one for Holy Week, here is "A Psalm of Life" by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.  Recited by Grace Cronk.

SPREAD the WORD: Enrollment is off to a great start, please continue to spread the word, if you have been pleased with your experience at Oxrose.  Word of mouth remains our main means of advertisement.  Consider emailing someone who might be interested the link to this write up at First Things or our admissions page.

REMINDERS: Chess Sign-UpSummer Camp Sign-UpYearbook PurchaseEnrollment Open