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UNIT 4 - Fall Embertide

UNIT 4 - Fall Embertide

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Saint Robert Bellarmine, Feast on Tuesday, Sept. 16

FALL EMBERTIDE:  This week we encounter the Fall Ember days, since this is the first week following the feast of the Holy Cross (or "Holyrood").  

Fasting days and Emberings be
Lent, Whitsun, Holyrood, and Lucie.

Father Arnaud Devillers explains that:

“Ember Days are three days (Wednesday, Friday and Saturday) set apart in each of the four seasons for fasting, abstinence and prayer. Tied to the seasonal cycles of farming and harvesting, the purpose of Ember Days is to render thanks to God for the gifts of Creation and to ask His help in using them well. Since 1966, the fasting and abstinence are no longer prescribed but still encouraged.”   

The fast and abstinence associated with these days are no longer required in the U.S., but let's keep them this year!  Our first task for the next challenge in the League is built around these Ember Days.  See this article for more information on Ember Days from Father Devillers.

CHESS WORKSHOP SIGN-UP: We are very happy, once again, to be offering chess enrichment workshops with Mr. Bloom of Bloomin Chess.  Mr. Bloom is a wonderful teacher and the benefits of chess for student focus, fraternity, and fun are well known.  Click either link for more information or to sign up.  Opportunities for advanced classes are available directly from Bloomin Chess and a number of students from past years continue to study with Mr. Bloom.

> Mondays 1-2 PM (Central) from November 11 to December 16

> Mondays 1-2 PM (Central) from April 3 to May 8


> JOIN (or REJOIN) the LEAGUE ANY TIME ~ Just complete the first challenge and message Mr. Rolling.
> JOIN YEARBOOK STAFF ~ Send a message to Mrs. Walker to join the group chat and get involved.

POEM of the WEEK: "The Kitten and the Leaf" by William Wordsworth.  Recited by Julianna Morzen.



 Student and Instructor contributions for "Poem of the Week" are welcome.  Send a message to Mr. Rolling with "Poem of the Week," and the title and author of the poem you would like to recite.