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UNIT 6 ~ Michaelmas to the Holiday

UNIT 6 ~ Michaelmas to the Holiday

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Archangel Michael icon, 16th c., Icônes arabes : art chrétien du Levant, France: Institut du monde arabe (France), pp. 38
Archangel Michael, 16th c. 

TIP of the MORNING:  Multitasking does not work!  To improve your speed, to improve how well you can concentrate, to improve how much you get out of reading, attending class, and watching lectures you MUST remove distractions and focus your attention.  There is no other way.  Background music, messaging, cell phones, and so forth are all bad for concentration.  Do one thing, fully and intensively, for a set period of time, then take a break and let your mind process.  Then repeat.

PATRONAL FEAST OF HERONSHAW: Saint Michael, named "Who is like GOD?" protector of humanity, patron of House Heronshaw; pray for us.  Saint Michael's feast day, Michaelmas, is celebrated on September 29, 2024.

REMEDIAL DAY: Monday, Oct. 7, 2024 is a "remedial day"--a day to catch up quizzes or work, fix outstanding problems, and set things in order BEFORE we begin the holiday.  There will be study hall from 8 AM to 12 PM Central at Mr. Rolling's office hour link. Students are encouraged, and some may be asked, specifically, to attend.

FALL HOLIDAY: There are no LIVE classes, tutor times, or course activities the rest of the week--School is closed Oct. 8-11.


> ENROLL in our Physical Education course to earn credit for sports or training this year.  Read more & enroll here.

CHESS WORKSHOP SIGN-UP: Mondays 1-2 PM Central on either . . .
   NOV. 11 - DEC.16   or   APR. 3 - MAY 8

> JOIN (or REJOIN) the LEAGUE ANY TIME ~ Just complete the first challenge and message Mr. Rolling.

POEM of the WEEK: "The Violet" by Jan Taylor.  Recited by Mary Wagner.



Student and Instructor contributions for "Poem of the Week" are welcome.  Send a message to Mr. Rolling with "Poem of the Week," and the title and author of the poem you would like to recite.