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UNIT 8 ~ A Season of Saints

UNIT 8 ~ A Season of Saints

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St. Richard Gwyn, Father, Teacher, and Martyr, d. 1584

This week the liturgy includes a wonderful assortment of saints.  Be sure to read up on and appeal to few.  A great way to prepare for the coming feast of All Saints.

Saints Ursula, Hilarion, John Paul II, John of Capistrano, Richard Gwyn (and the Welsh Martyrs), Chrysanthus, and Crispian; Pray for Us.

UNIFORM REMINDER: Students are reminded that, during class time, they must appear well groomed and wearing a collared shirt (or approved equivalent).  In the cooler seasons, a sweater or jacket may be worn.  Hoodies are not allowed!

TESTING CONTINUES:  We have more midterm exams this week in all Latin, some Comp & Grammar, and some Empirical Science courses.  Prioritize exams, work prayerfully, and endeavor to achieve excellence for the Glory of God!

YEARBOOK MATTERS: We have two items.

1. The second annual "Yearbook Cover Design Contest" has just opened up.  Find the details in the League.  Compete for prizes and house points.

2. In addition, the uploads for photos of meetups, extracurriculars, class time fun, odd quotes, and official headshots are now available.  Find them in the League, as well.

Reminder: these are open to all students, not just House Members.

ALL SAINTS DAY FESTIVITIES: Next week, in UNIT 9, we celebrate All Saints Day on Friday, November 1st.   We pause, as of old, to honor the glorious saints and thank God for the gift of the community we share with the Church Triumphant.

1. SCHEDULE: The school will operate on a special schedule with Friday classes moved to earlier in the week.  >>Print a copy here>> SCHEDULE

2. COSTUME CONTEST: Dress as your baptismal or confirmation saint and submit a photo to win a prize and House Points.  Details available next week!

3. ICON CONTEST: Pray and draw an icon of your baptism or confirmation saint and submit it for a prize and House Points.  Details available next week!


ENROLL in our Physical Education course to earn credit for sports or training this year.  Read more & enroll here.

CHESS WORKSHOP SIGN-UP: Mondays 1-2 PM Central on either . . .
   NOV. 11 - DEC.16   or   APR. 3 - MAY 8

JOIN (or REJOIN) the LEAGUE ANY TIME ~ Just complete the first challenge and message Mr. Rolling.

POEM of the WEEK: The first of a few Autumn poems we have recorded, here is "Nothing Gold Can Stay" by Robert Frost.  Recited by Marilouise Sherman.



Student and Instructor contributions for "Poem of the Week" are welcome.  Send a message to Mr. Rolling with "Poem of the Week," and the title and author of the poem you would like to recite.