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UNIT 10 ~ Tests, Chess, and All Souls

UNIT 10 ~ Tests, Chess, and All Souls

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Joža Uprka, "All Souls' Day" (1897)
Joža Uprka, "All Souls' Day" (1897)

Notes for this week:

ALL SOULS OCTAVE: An indulgence, applicable only to the Souls in Purgatory, is granted to the faithful, who devoutly visit a cemetery and pray, even if only mentally, for the departed. The indulgence is plenary each day from November 1-8; on other days of the year it is a partial indulgence.  Manual of Indulgences, 4th ed., 1999 (Enchridion Indulgentarium)

TESTING, TESTING, TESTING: This week, courses that have the thrice-a-year exam schedule are testing, which include TPT, History, and Great Books classes.  This is the last batch of exams that fall mid-term.  As usual, prioritize exam prep, watch out for deadlines, and work hard for the glory of God!

GB TUTOR TIMES: Great Books tests are "viva voce," i.e. oral exams, so Mssrs. Walsh, Kreuger, Keatley, and Tibbetts may have adjusted schedules for tutoring.  Students should look for notes from them.  

ENROLL in CHESS: Last chance to enroll in the workshop, beginning next week.  Mr. Bloom is a great teacher, and this is a wonderful enrichment opportunity for students. 
Sign up today: Chess Workshop: Mondays 1-2 PM    Nov. 11 to Dec. 16

SUMMER CAMP DATES & LOCATION: We will rendezvous in Kansas from Sunday, July 20th to Saturday the 26th in 2025.  Save the dates!

CHRISTMAS CATALOGUE: Oxrose Press is pleased to offer items for the early shopper, including a second episode of Family Story Hour for Advent & Christmas and some book recommendations. Purchases support the school!  View it HERE.

POEM of the WEEK: Fitting the season, but just having missed the month, here is "October's Bright Blue Weather" by Helen Hunt Jackson.  Recited by Magdalena Rolling.



Student and Instructor contributions for "Poem of the Week" are welcome.  Send a message to Mr. Rolling with "Poem of the Week," and the title and author of the poem you would like to recite.