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UNIT 12 ~ Souls, Awards, and Thanks

UNIT 12 ~ Souls, Awards, and Thanks

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"Madonna of the Purification of the Soul with Saints Francis and Clare" by Caracciolo Battistello (ca. 1600)
"Madonna of the Purification of the Soul with Saints Francis and Clare" by Caracciolo Battistello (ca. 1600)

November is dedicated to prayer for the souls in purgatory.  Here is the "Fatima Prayer," prayed with each decade of the rosary.  "O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell, lead all souls to Heaven, especially those most in need of Thy mercy. Amen."

UNIT 12 ~ Here are the notes for the week:

ALL SCHOOL ASSEMBLY: We will gather to pray as a school, honor some high achievers, and announce winners of recent contests. 

WHO: All Oxrosians - students, parents, and teachers - are cordially invited and warmly encouraged to attend
WHAT: All-School Assembly for prayer, awards, and honors
WHEN: Friday, 4 PM Central

REMEDIAL DAY: Next week is Thanksgiving break, which means that next Monday is a remedial day.  Plan to spend some time catching things up, before entering vacation mode.

A BIT OF WISDOM: "The first principle of the Kingdom of God is that it includes everything; in it, the fall of every sparrow is a significant event. . . . Another principle . . . is that everything in the Kingdom of God is joined both to it and to everything else that is in it; that is to say, the Kingdom of God is orderly.  A third principle is that humans do not and can never know either all the creatures that the Kingdom of God contains or the whole pattern of order by which it contains them." Wendell Berry, The Art of the Commonplace

POEM of the WEEK: Here is "Captain Kidd" by Stephen Vincent Benet.  Recited by Eian Lee.

Student and Instructor contributions for "Poem of the Week" are welcome (sung poetry is welcome, too).  Send a message to Mr. Rolling with "Poem of the Week," and the title and author of the poem you would like to recite.


SUMMER CAMP: Kansas, July 20th-26th, 2025.  Save the dates!

OXROSE PRESS CHRISTMAS CATALOGUE: Purchases support the school!  View it HERE.

PARENTS FORUM: Click HERE for the invitation link (for parents, only).