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Remedial Day and Thanksgiving Break

Remedial Day and Thanksgiving Break

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"The First Thanksgiving at Plymouth" (1914) By Jennie A. Brownscombe, Public domain, courtesy of Wikimedia Commons
 "The First Thanksgiving at Plymouth" (1914) By Jennie A. Brownscombe

REMEDIAL DAY: Monday, November 25

Catch up quizzes, complete missed parts of assignments, organize materials for study & exams, work ahead on compositions, study for UNIT 14 exams, and, as usual, get all of your ducks in a row before enjoying the break.

Study Hall will be from 9:00-11:00 AM Central.  Use >>this link<<


The school is closed this week for the civic holiday of Thanksgiving.  We pause as a nation and express our gratitude to God for the many gifts we enjoy as a country.

There are no class meetings, tutor times, or new assignments.  Instructors are off of messaging.  The school site will remain available throughout the break for students catching up on work.

In this season of gratitude, we include in our prayers, expressions of thanks for all of the wonderful students and families here at the school.  Have a blessed week of rest and family time.


"The love of gratitude is preeminently a mindful love. It ponders things and lays them up in its heart, as our Blessed Lady did.  It meditates fondly on the past, as Jacob did.  It sings of old mercies and makes much of them, like David in the psalms.
     Whereas another has the memory of his sins continually before him, a soul possessed with the love of gratitude is perpetually haunted by a remembrance of past benefits; and his abiding sorrow for sin is a sort of affectionate and self-reproachful reaction from his wonder at the abundant loving-kindness of God. The hideousness of sin is all the more brought out when the light of God's love is thrown so strongly on it. Hence it comes to pass that a very grateful man is also a deeply penitent man; and as the excess of benefits tends to lower us in our own esteem, so we are humble in proportion to our gratitude.
     But this love does not rest in the luxurious sentiment of gratitude.  It breaks out into actual and ardent thanksgiving, and its thankfulness is not confined to words. Promptitude of obedience, heroic effort, and joyful perseverance: these are all tokens of the love of gratitude.
     It is loyal to God.  Loyalty is the distinguishing feature of its service.  It is constantly on the lookout for opportunities and makes them when it cannot find them, to testify its allegiance to God; not as if it were doing any great thing, or as if it were laying God under any obligation, but as if it were making payment, part payment, and tardy payment, by little installments, for the immensity of His love.
     It is an exuberant, active, bright-faced love, very attractive and therefore apostolic, winning souls, preaching God unconsciously, and although certainly busied about many things, yet all of them the things of God.
     Happy the man whose life is one long Te Deum! He will save his soul, and not his alone, but many others also. Joy is not a solitary thing, and he will come at last to his Master's feet, bringing many others rejoicing with him, the resplendent trophies of his grateful love."

The Little Book of Holy Gratitude by Father Frederick Faber