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UNIT 13: Immaculate Conception (altered schedule)

UNIT 13: Immaculate Conception (altered schedule)

by Deleted user -
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Happy Feast of St. Nicholas

Notes for the Week: 

Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception:  A blessed feast day to all!  The school is closed on Wednesday (Holy Day of Obligation). 
ALL WEDNESDAY CLASSES HAVE BEEN RESCHEDULED; see the schedule on the Dashboard
Mary the Immaculate Conception, pray for us.  

The League: Complete the first challenge right away!  The sorting will occur at the end of the day on the Feast of St. Nicholas.  Special information on Summer Rendezvous coming soon for league members!

March for Life: See the update on the Dashboard.

Image: Saint Nicholas Altarpiece” (“Saint Nicholas in chair with stories of his life”), after Antonello da Messina, public domain courtesy of Wikimedia Commons