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UNIT 14: Gaudete! Exams and Semester's End

UNIT 14: Gaudete! Exams and Semester's End

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Gaudete! And, a Happy Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe

Notes for the Week:

Exams: This week there are exams in Latin, Empirical Science, Mathematics. Be sure to give your exams top priority.  Everyone--offer up a prayer for our test takers.

Grace Period: Don't forget that all first-semester work must be in by the end of the grace period (Dec. 21 at midnight).

Christmas Break: December 22- January 7.  
> Science:  Students should look thoughtfully at their agendas and decide about when to do the first two days of UNIT 15.  It may be best to save them and do them just before semester 2.
> The League: The next challenge will stretch over break; it will be posted later this week.
> March for Life:  Students who are attending the March should make a plan to complete the work for UNIT 16 early, over the break.

Wisdom of the Saints: "The well-regulated life does not defer prayer until work has been accomplished; it turns the work itself into a prayer.  We accomplish this when we turn to God at the beginning and completion of each task and mentally offer it up for love of Him.  . . . Any honest task, well done, can be turned into a prayer."  Ven. Fulton Sheen