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Pray Today:  For All Oxrose Siblings.  Ask for the intercession of Our Lady of the Rosary.

Classes Today: Dress Like a Tolkien Character Day and Bring a Sibling to Class Day!

Mini-Challenge: Take fifteen minutes to sit down with a sibling and draw a picture together.  The idea is to give the gift of your time.  If you haven't a sibling, spend the time with someone else.  Focus on giving another person your full and complete attention and good will.
N.L.O Members may earn points by marking the challenge as complete on the League page. 

Fun & Games: Clues 1 - 4 are now available.  See details on your Dashboard.
Each Thursday class will nominate one person to the costume contest.  If you are nominated, you will be asked to submit a photo of your costume to be judged.  Winner gets a Tolkien Bestiary! 

Notice: Tomorrow, for "Pray like a Friar Day" you may join with some of the teachers to pray an adapted Morning, Midday, and Evening prayer.  Links will be posted here in the news feed.       Morning prayer will be at 7 AM Central.  Clue five.
Come!  Chant!  Be merry in the serious glory of God!  (And, complete your mini-challenge.)