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UNIT 9 ~ All Saints and All Souls

UNIT 9 ~ All Saints and All Souls

by Deleted user -
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This week we celebrate the solemnity of All Saints on Tuesday, followed by All Souls. 

SCHEDULE: Please take notice of the adjusted schedule for classes, especially those that meet on Tuesday. Information is posted on the Dashboard and in each course suite.

LITANY OF SAINTS: Students are invited to share the saints to whom their families have a special devotion.  See the forum in the League later today.

MASS FOR ALL SOULS: Father Marascalco has invited everyone to share the names of their deceased family members and friends.  He plans to offer mass for them on All Souls.  In addition, we will all be able to pray for each other's families in this way.  See the forum in the League page later today.

CHESS: Please do look at the options for workshops, set to start this Friday.  We do have some student minimums.  Information and links are on the Dashboard.