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UNIT 12 ~ We Prepare "Gaudio Sicut Gladiis"

UNIT 12 ~ We Prepare "Gaudio Sicut Gladiis"

by Deleted user -
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Welcome back and welcome to Advent, the season of expectant preparation. 

A few notes for the week:

COMPS: There is a fair bit of activity in comps in units 12-14.  Watch your deadlines!

EXAMS: Most classes that had a midterm in units 8-9 have a final semester exam in unit 14.  Look ahead and begin prepping now to be ready.

ICON CONTEST: Two Marian feast days approach.  As part of your Adventian preparation, create a Marian Icon for your home and enter it to win.  Icons due on Dec. 8, the Feast of the Immaculate Conception.  Winners for middle school and high school levels will be selected on Dec. 12, the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe.  See the Dashboard for details.

On How to Connect Your School Work with your Spiritual Preparation in Advent: "When our mind is intent on temporal things in order that it may rest in them, it remains immersed therein; but when it is intent on them in relation to the acquisition of beatitude it is not lowered by them, but raises them to a higher level."
~Aquinas, ST II-II, q83.a6.ad3

Image: "Ecureuse, a Servant Girl Polishing at a Table" by Alexander Hugo Bakker Korff (1871). Public domain courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.