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UNIT 5 ~ Get Ready to Rest

UNIT 5 ~ Get Ready to Rest

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St. Michael and the Dragon, ca. 1405, courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

Next week is the first holiday in the Academic Calendar.  We are all excited for a break!  However, it is important to realize that the holiday serves two purposes.  
First: It is a time to catch up.  
Students should complete any missed work and ensure that they are not behind in any way.
Second: It is a time to rest. 
Spend extra time outside, stay off of computers as much as possible, help out around the house, and so on.

This week:
>It is very important that you look carefully at your gradebooks, talk to your teachers, and get in to Tutor Times in order that you know what you need to do in order to fulfil the FIRST purpose of the break.  Get to it!
>Composition classes 1 and 3 you have a "Rough Draft" due this week.  Don't be late!

Have a wonderful week, Everyone.  Saints Vincent de Paul, Jerome, Wenceslaus, and Therese of Lisieux; pray for us.  All you Holy Angels; pray for us.

Great Words: "Sáncte Míchael Archángele, defénde nos in proélio, cóntra nequítiam et insídias diáboli ésto præsídium."