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Early Enrollment Open

Early Enrollment Open

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Dear Oxrose Parents,

I am pleased to announce that enrollment is now open for the 2023-2024 school year.  You, the current families, have early access this week (Feb. 21- 24).  We will announce that enrollment is open to the general public on Friday.  Here is the link to the catalogue.

We have been blessed to enjoy solid and steady growth each of the last years.  We give this early access to you to ensure that you are able to enroll in the classes and class times you need before sections fill up with new enrollments.  We love the stability and deeper relationships continuing families bring to the community.

There have been a few changes to the way enrollment works.  We have clarified the "full enrollment" requirements, added a "3 plus Classes" bundle that provides a partial discount, and simplified the registration for a la carte enrollments.  Each type of enrollment has a clear shopping cart item that functions as a form that requires input of student information one time.  As usual, you should enroll one student per invoice.

Student books (as well as self-paced courses and Schola Rosa) are now available for purchase entirely through the Oxrose Press website separate from enrollment.

Full disclosure: Prices for our higher grading volume courses increased between 8 to 10%, while prices for some of our lower volume courses dropped by similar amounts.  These changes were made in order to cover the increased costs for technology, teachers, and support staff, as the school has grown.  In addition, a la carte classes have been raised in order to balance, more fairly, the placement of the the admin costs of the school, which is similar for all students, between those who attend full time and those who do not. 

In addition to completion of accreditation, national rankings on the CLT (for the second year in a row), a much expanded Student Life program (The League and House Program), Student Yearbook, Summer Reading Clubs, and plans underway for this Summer's Rendezvous, we are working to begin offering credit for music and arts performance in this academic year, improving and expanding our transcripts even further, and establishing multiple tracks for graduation requirements.

Thank you for honoring us with the opportunity to teach your children.  I hope that we will have the opportunity to continue to do so in the coming years.  Mrs. Walker is in the office, in a normal week, on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings to answer questions.  Don't hesitate to call.

God bless you all,
Kenneth Rolling, Oxrose Headmaster