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UNIT 22 ~ Fast, so as to Love

UNIT 22 ~ Fast, so as to Love

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Utamur ergo parcius,
verbis, cibis et potibus,
somno, iocis et arctius
perstemus in custodia.

~ A Hymn from the Liturgy of the Hours in Lent

We are in Unit 22 this week.  Here are a few notes:

MIDTERM EXAMS APPROACHING: We will be seeing exams in our math, science, and language courses over this and the next few weeks.  Watch your agendas, prioritize carefully, ask for help, and let us keep each other in prayer.

PRAYERS FOR SENIORS: The last few months of your last year of school is one of the toughest times to maintain focus and manage the many challenges and changes that emerge.  Let us all make a point of praying for our seniors this week.  Pray that they are granted prudence, balance, stability, and joy.  We can all be reminded that the ultimate point of fasting is to be brought more fully into charity with God and each other.  Let us fast, so as to love.

YEARBOOK PHOTOS: If you have not already, please immediately upload a student photo for use in the yearbook.  The committee will be beginning work in earnest soon and we wish to include all students.  Find the uploads in the League page.

SUMMER CAMP: I am pleased to announce that we will be returning to Camp Arrowhead in Missouri this summer.  Camp will take place the last week of July 23rd to the 29th.  Sign up will be available soon, but be sure to block out the dates in your summer calendar

POEM of the WEEK
"Song of Roland" (excerpt), Anonymous.  Recited by Nikolaus Rolling.

Student and instructor contributions for "Poem of the Week" are welcome.  Send a message to Mr. Rolling with "Poem of the Week," and the title and author of the poem you would like to recite.

Rough translation of hymn: "Let us use sparingly words, food and drink, sleep and amusements. May we be more alert in the custody of ourselves."