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UNIT 26 ~ Into Eastertide

UNIT 26 ~ Into Eastertide

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"Resurrection of Christ and the Harrowing of Hell"

Welcome back!  Christ is risen!  Indeed, is He risen!  Here are the week's announcements:
SCHOOL CHALLENGE: For all teachers, students, and parents--let us strive to bring the joy of Easter to all of our tasks, interactions, classes, and conversations.  Let us live out, in the moments of our days this week, the high calling of being an Easter People.  This is what it means to strive "With Joy like Swords, Ever Unto the Heights!"
In the same spirit, we recall that this last Sunday was, not only the Octave of Easter, but Divine Mercy Sunday.  Let us all thank God for the gifts of mercy and grace available through His generous indulgence.

CLT-10 TEST DAY: Tuesday, April 18 at 7:40 AM for all registered 9th and 10th graders

CLT PREP: More times to be posted this week.

MUSIC CREDITS: New opportunity to earn academic credit for the music tutoring you do locally.  Opening this week.

SUMMER CAMP SIGN UP: Opening this week.  Get signed up for the annual trek to the woods--the Oxrose Family Reunion.

YEARBOOK PHOTOS: Keep uploading photos!  The clock is ticking!  Find the uploads in the League course page.

POEM of the WEEK: "Your Mission" by Ellen Gates.  Recited by Bernadette Shields.
Student and instructor contributions for "Poem of the Week" are welcome.  Send a message to Mr. Rolling with "Poem of the Week," and the title and author of the poem you would like to recite.

Image: Resurrection of Christ and the Harrowing of Hell by an unknown artist, Russian, circa 1500s, Icon Museum of Recklinghausen.  Public domain courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.