"The Journey of the Three Kings" by Leopold Kupelwieser (1825)
On behalf of all the faculty and staff at Oxrose Academy,
Merry Christmas and a Happy Epiphany to all our students and families!
SCHOOL REOPENS: Monday, January 8th, 2024
EARLY SCIENCE START: Thursday, January 4th, 2024
Science students (ES 1-4) should recall that course work commences early, as usual.
THE LEAGUE: Deadlines are approaching for the Act 2 Challenges (including School Photos and the Yearbook Cover Contest) and keep up the work on the Endeavors. Grow Virtuous >> Love Well >> Be Happy!
POEMS of the WEEKS: Due to an administrative oversight these were not available sooner. I am very pleased to offer two entries, retrospective and current.
"Veni, Veni, Emmanuel" sung by Audrey, Agnes, and Grace Cronk
"Christmas Bells" by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Recited by Grace Cronk.