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"Baptism of Christ" from the Saint John Altarpiece by a Dutch master, circa 1510

A few notes for the week:

READ FEEDBACK: Make a point of looking over the feedback you have received on your work up 'til now.  Teachers will expect you to make changes based on that feedback in a more forceful way in the new semester.  Read it, make changes, and ask questions to be sure you are doing things right.

HIGHER STANDARDS: Be prepared for your teachers to enforce higher standards for participation and homework in the second semester.  At this point, you know well what is expected: this makes learning and task completion easier, and enables the enforcement of a higher standard.  Let us all rise to the challenge!

TIP of the MORNING: As you make your way through the tasks of this week with a fresh and rested outlook, take a minute to ask yourself, "Did the way I approached this before work well?"  If the answer is "NO," try a new approach.

YEARBOOK PHOTOS: Today (Monday) is the deadline for photos for the yearbook.  Find the upload in the League course suite.  Teachers - you too!!

LEAGUE, ACT II COMPLETION: The last of the Act 2 challenges is posted.  Completion will be tallied for Act 2 at the end of this unit, so be sure to wrap things up and mark your completions.

POEM of the WEEK: "Laugh and Be Merry" by John Masefield.  Recited by Kenneth Rolling

Student and instructor contributions for "Poem of the Week" are welcome.  Send a message to Mr. Rolling with "Poem of the Week," and the title and author of the poem you would like to recite.