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UNIT 5 ~ Age quod agis

UNIT 5 ~ Age quod agis

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A young Padre Pio showing the stigmata (photo from August 19, 1919)
 A young Padre Pio showing the stigmata (photo from August 19, 1919)

Announcements for UNIT 5: 

TIP of the MORNING: Age quod agis -- Do what you are doing.  Don't let your mind wonder away from the task at hand.  When you are doing math, do math.  When you are resting, rest.  This way you get the most done and get the most out of the time you spend on anything.  Be present, focused, and disciplined.

NEW PHY. ED. COURSE AVAILABLE:  We are pleased to announce that our Physical Education Course is available ahead of schedule!  If you are interested in earning credit toward graduation for either individual or team athletic achievements this year, this course is for you.  For a limited time, it is available for the same cost as an Independent Credit.  Given the self-paced nature of the course, students can enroll now and earn for a full or half credit this year.  Participation in athletics makes up the majority of the work required for this course.  Read more & enroll here.

PATRONAL FEAST OF KINGFISHER: Saint Pius of Pietrelcina, devoted servant of Christ in the Eucharist, patron of the House of Kingfisher, and wonderful Spiritual Director; pray for us!  Padre Pio's memorial is Monday, Sep. 23, 2024


> CHESS WORKSHOP SIGN-UP: Mondays 1-2 PM Central on either . . .
   NOV. 11 - DEC.16   or   APR. 3 - MAY 8

> JOIN (or REJOIN) the LEAGUE ANY TIME ~ Just complete the first challenge and message Mr. Rolling.

> JOIN YEARBOOK STAFF ~ Send a message to Mrs. Walker to join the group chat and get involved.

POEM of the WEEK: "To Autumn" by John Keats.  Recited by Kenneth Rolling.

Student and Instructor contributions for "Poem of the Week" are welcome.  Send a message to Mr. Rolling with "Poem of the Week," and the title and author of the poem you would like to recite.