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Grace Period

Grace Period

by Deleted user -
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Monday and Tuesday (Dec. 20-21) are the Grace Period for Semester One.

File:Primary education, Pyongyang - UNESCO - PHOTO0000000750 0001.tiff

> WRAP UP:  Do NOT go into vacation mode, until you have finished all exams and homework, and caught up on all quizzes for the semester. 
> TUTOR TIMES: Teachers do NOT have regular tutor times this week.  Mr. Rolling will have Tutor Times Monday and Tuesday from 1 - 3 PM.  Come by with any questions, concerns, or problems for any class -- the link is on your Dashboard.
> INSPIRATION: "What we hope ever to do with ease, we must first learn to do with diligence." ~ Samuel Johnson

Image: UNESCO / Arthur Gillette, CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO <>;, via Wikimedia Commons