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Christmas Break

Christmas Break

by Deleted user -
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Gaudete!  Christus natus est!

On behalf of all the teachers at Oxrose, I wish you a very Merry Christmas and a blessed and restful Christmas Break.  May Christ be born in your hearts anew.
Sincerely, Mr. Rolling
NOTES for the BREAK:

  • CLOSURE: The school is closed December 22 - January 7.  The school offices will be open intermittently -- Please call or email, the school messaging system will not be monitored.
  • MAINTENANCE: The websites may be down on occasion for regular maintenance.
  • NLO: The house contest was postponed 'til after finals and Christmas so as not to be a distraction -- Students, look for it by January 1st.
  • SCIENCE SCHEDULE: Don't forget to look at the first few days of Unit 15 early, so you are ready to go mid-unit upon your return.
Image:  Nativity of Christ at the winged altar of the parish church Kefermarkt, Austria. Anonymous, around 1497. Photo by Uoaei1, CC BY-SA 4.0 <>; courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.