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Oxrose: Novena for Life

Oxrose: Novena for Life

by Deleted user -
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As some of our students, parents, and teachers prepare to attend the March for Life on January 21st, I would like to invite the whole school community to join in praying a novena for life.  

Here is how:  In honor of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary, please offer a decade of the Rosary each night beginning today, January 13th.  Then pray the full rosary on the 21st in conjunction with the March.  We recall that on the same feast day, Our Lady is also known under the title of "Our Lady of Victory." 

For anyone wishing to join the Marchers, contact Vince, the parent organizer, right away.  His email is posted on your Dashboard, when you login. 
There is a last planning meeting tonight (1/13/22) at 8 p.m. EST.