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UNIT 16: Do Whatever He Tells You

UNIT 16: Do Whatever He Tells You

by Deleted user -
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A few announcements for the week: 

PARENT CHECK-IN: Parents, make a point of talking to your student about how the first week back went.  Let's catch any problems early before they compound.

COMPOSITION REMINDER: Students, don't forget to check on composition.  As always, there is no grace period for this class--DON"T MISS YOUR DEADLINES!

NOVENA for LIFE: Everyone, please join with those attending the March for Life in praying a Novena.  See the details on the Billboard on your Dashboard.

LEAGUE CHALLENGE EXTENSION: The deadline for finishing the most recent Challenge has been extended to Friday, Jan. 21st.

WISDOM OF THE SAINTS: "His mother said to the servers, 'Do whatever he tells you.'" John 2:1-5

Image: "The Wedding at Cana" Nicholás Correa, Public domain courtesy of Wikimedia Commons