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UNIT 22 - Much Ado

UNIT 22 - Much Ado

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Much Ado about Nothing, Act IV, Scene 2
"Oh, you villain! You’ll be condemned to everlasting redemption for this!"

This week we are in Unit 22.  This unit begins our next five week stretch of schooling, leading up to Easter.  
Two notes for everyone:

MIDTERM EXAMS: Some students have midterm exams in Latin, Empirical Science, and Math.  As always, prioritize this preparation and ask for help, if you need it!

ACCREDITATION WEEK:  Please pray for the school this week as we undergo our official accreditation assessment. 
An enormous thank you to all of the parents, teachers, and students who have agreed to help with the interviews section--please check your email carefully for the links and schedules!

And, three important notes for parents:

CLT SIGNUP DEADLINE: If yours are not a full-enrollment students, please sign your kids up for the CLT exam.  The cost is reduced if you enroll through Oxrose, it fulfills testing requirements, and we gain valuable information about our students.  The deadline for sign up is this Friday, March 11.  There is more info on the CLT on the Dashboard.  HERE IS THE LINK.  

SUMMER CAMP SIGNUP: We have opened up the sign up for Oxrose Rendezvous #2 in July 2022.  See the link on the Dashboard.  

EARLY ENROLLMENT OPEN: This year we are pleased to be offering a substantive early enrollment discount.  See the Newsletter, which went out via email early last week. 
Please spread the word about Oxrose!  Send the newsletter to a friend, add a note to a message board, everything helps!  Word of mouth remains our main means of advertisement.

That is all.  Have a blessed and fruitful week.  

Wisdom of the Saints: "Great talent is a gift of God, but it is a gift which is by no means necessary in order to pray well.  This gift is required in order to converse well with men; but it is not necessary in order to speak well with God.  For that, one needs good desires, and nothing more." ~ St. John of the Cross

Image: Smirke, Robert; 'Much Ado About Nothing', Act IV, Scene 2, the Examination of Conrade and Borachio; Royal Shakespeare Company Collection