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UNIT 23 ~ Back to Business

UNIT 23 ~ Back to Business

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Mass in a Connemara Cabin, Aloysius O'Kelly (1883)

This week we are in Unit 23.  Accreditation is behind us, next up are the last of midterms, the CLT, Summer Camp Committees, and a Lenten Challenge.  Here are a few notes:

ACCREDITATION UPDATE:  Thank you, first of all, to everyone (students, parents, and teachers) for being patient throughout the process, filling out surveys, and attending interviews.  An especial thanks to Mrs. Rolling, who acted as the liaison with Cognia, filled out all of the paperwork (a lot!), and guided us safely into port. 

With all of that said, I am very pleased to announce that we have been "recommended for accreditation" by our reviewers.  We become official, when their recommendation is accepted by the Council in June, if God wills it.   Well done, Oxrosians!  Ut In Omnibus Glorificetur Dei!

MIDTERM EXAMS: The last of the midterms are this week.  Best of luck to students prepping for these.  As always, prioritize this preparation and ask for help, if you need it!

11th and 12th grades: The date for the regular CLT is April 2.  Like last year, we will be offering a few prep classes in the next two weeks.  We will get all sign-ups processed immediately and reach out to set the schedule. 
7th to 10th graders:
For the CLT 10 and CLT 8, we will get your accounts set up just a bit later.

N.L.O. NEWS: Thank you for your patience, League of Oxrosians!  Now that accreditation is done, we will finalize the house shields and move on to our Lenten Challenge, which will both push us to grow spiritually and poetically (Lo! Lovely Lenten Limericks Likely).  

SUMMER CAMP SIGNUP: See the link on the Dashboard.  Sign up now--we will establish committees and get to planning very soon!  Students must be in good standing to sit on a committee--Get your work caught up ASAP.

EARLY ENROLLMENT OPEN: A link has been added to the Dashboard.  Early enrollment ends March 31.
Parents, forgive my repetition, but please consider sending word to any family you think would fit well at Oxrose.  My favorite conversations, during enrollment are with families who begin by mentioning one of you.  Please spread the word!  Word of mouth remains our main means of advertisement.  

That is all.  Have a blessed and fruitful week.  

Wisdom of the Saints: "For many, as I have often told you and now tell you even in tears, conduct themselves as enemies of the cross of Christ. Their end is destruction. Their God is their stomach; their glory is in their “shame.” Their minds are occupied with earthly things. But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we also await a savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. He will change our lowly body to conform with his glorified body by the power that enables him also to bring all things into subjection to himself."
~ St. Paul to the Philippians

Image Attribution: Aloysius O'Kelly, Public domain, courtesy of Wikimedia Commons