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UNIT 27: Easter, Sunshine, and the Final Straightaway

UNIT 27: Easter, Sunshine, and the Final Straightaway

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An Easter Procession by Rafaello Sorbi (1898)

Welcome back and a Happy Easter to everyone.  Quite a few notes for the week.

CLT 10: 9th and 10th graders, your exam is this week.  See the CLT course suite for instructions.  The group testing time is Wednesday, April 27 at 1 - 3:15 P.M. Central Time.

CLT 8: 7th and 8th graders, your exam is in unit 28.  See the CLT course suite for instructions.  The group testing time is Wednesday, May 4 at 1 - 3:15 P.M. Central Time.

LENTEN LIMERICKS: I am pleased to announce the winners of our Lenten Limerick Contest.  Each will receive a copy of The Everyman Book of Nonsense Verse.  
In the middle school category, congratulations to Susanna H. for this entry:

For a Christian, from B.C. to present
To be offered a burden unpleasant
Because God is our boss
To help carry His cross
Tis a joy, for a noble or peasant.

In the high school category, plaudits go to Anthony D 

Pullus miser sum in ovo.
O' hoc est onus!  Id navo.
Fetat!  Suspirum.
Verum gaudium!
Pullus non est!  Sist!  Est pavo!

The author's translation:
I am a miserable chicken on an egg.
Oh this is a burden! I do it with zeal
It is hatching! I sigh.
True joy!
It is not a chicken!  Wait!  It is a peacock!

I am informed there are some irregularities in the Latin, but these are overlooked due to the bold idea of using Latin, at all, and the poem's other merits.

HOUSE COATS OF ARMS: See the "Billboard" on your Dashboard for the newly revealed shield designs and contributing students.

SUMMER EXTENSION & INCOMPLETE APPLICATION: Parents and students should review the policy for summer extensions and incompletes, if they are being considered.  Questions should be directed to the Headmaster.  Application should be made by written request to the school via email by the end of Unit 29 (May 13, 2022).

That is all for this coming week.  Christ is risen!  Alleluia!  Indeed, He is risen!  Alleluia!  Let us work in joy.