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UNIT 28: Class Photos - Wash Your Face!

UNIT 28: Class Photos - Wash Your Face!

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File:Resurrection (24).jpg
The "Anastasis" or Resurrection
Notice the gates of Hell broken, Satan bound, and Adam and Eve, being led forth

This week at Oxrose:

EXAMS: It is not too soon to begin looking ahead to finals week, Unit 30.  This is the one unit of the year, when we have tests in all classes in the same week. 
Parents and students
: Talk about scheduling (it is very prudent to cut out any unnecessary activities this week--music lessons, sports, co-op, etc.).  Make a plan about when to take each exam.  Talk about study strategies; what has worked and what has not?

CLT 8: 7th and 8th graders, your exam is this week.  See the CLT course suite for instructions.  The group testing time is Wednesday, May 4 at 1 - 3:15 P.M. Central Time.

CLASS PHOTOS: Students should dress nicely for classes this week and make sure they have good lighting.  We will be taking a class photo for the yearbook in each class.  (Exception: We will plan to do the Spiritual Formation classes in Unit 29.)

2021-22 YEARBOOK: The yearbook project committee will be gathering photos and content from school events from throughout the year into a digital yearbook that will also be available in print.  Work will stretch into the beginning of the summer -- if you would like to be involved, send an enquiry to Mr. Rolling in messaging.

HOUSE CHALLENGE: The houses are neck and neck for the first house cup!  Herronshaw maintains a one-point lead.  New challenges are going up this week.  Very Exciting!

SUMMER EXTENSION & INCOMPLETE APPLICATIONS: Parents and students should review the policy for summer extensions and incompletes, if they are being considered.  Questions should be directed to the Headmaster.  Application should be made by written request to the school via email by the end of Unit 29 (May 13, 2022).

SUMMER TOLKIEN CLUB: A group of students have raised the question of the possibility of a Lord of the Rings summer book club.  They would like to meet once, before exam week, to make plans.  If you are interested in being on the messaging list, please send a note to Mr. Rolling.

SUMMER CAMP PLANNING: We are FINALLY getting going on the summer camp committees.  I plan to have an evening event next week (tentatively looking at Thursday) at which we will show the video of last summer's play, lay out the events for this summer, and recruit committees for planning.  Committees will be made up of older students and parents (usually from the same family for ease).  Summer camp families, feel free to have a student contact me to let me know, if the Thursday meeting time will/won't work and/or to suggest a better night.

That is all for this week.  Christ is risen!  Indeed, He is risen!  Gaudio sicut gladiis, semper in altum!

WISDOM of the SAINTS: "Quiet is the first step in our sanctification, the tongue purified from the gossip of the world; the eyes unexcited by fair color or comely shape; the ear not relaxing the tone of the mind by voluptuous songs, nor by that special mischief, the talk of comedians and clowns." St Basil the Great